Acids           Quiz #1          Properties of Acids and BasesStrength                Answers


1.         Drano®, a commercial product used to clean drains, contains small bits of   aluminum metal and

            A.        ammonia

            B.        acetic acid

            C.        hydrochloric acid

            D.        sodium hydroxide


2.         A net ionic equation for the reaction between CH3COOH and KOH is

            A.        CH3COOH(aq) + K+(aq) CH3COOK(aq)

            B.        CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O(l) + CH3COO-(aq)

            C.        CH3COOH(aq) + KOH(aq) H2O(l) + CH3COOK(aq)

            D.        CH3COOH(aq) + K+(aq) + OH-(aq) H2O(l) + KCH3COO(aq)


3.         Which equation represents a neutralization reaction?

            A.        Pb2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) → PbCl2(s)

            B.        HCl(aq) + NH3(aq) → NH4Cl(aq)

            C.        BaI2(aq) + MgSO4(aq) → BaSO4(s) + MgI2(aq)

            D.        MnO4-(aq)  +  5Fe2+(aq) +8H+(aq)  → Mn2+(aq) + 5Fe3+(aq) + 4H2O(l)


4.         An Arrhenius acid is a substance that

            A.        accepts a proton

            B.        donates a proton

            C.        produces H+ in solution

            D.        produces OH- in solution


5.         Consider the following data table:






15 mL

0.1 M Sr(OH)2


20 mL

0.2 M NH4OH


25 mL

0.1 M KOH


50 mL

0.2 M NaOH


            Identify the beaker that requires the smallest volume of 1.0 M HCl for complete neutralization

            A.        Beaker 1

            B.        Beaker 2

            C.        Beaker 3

            D.        Beaker 4


6.         The net ionic equation for the titration of HClO4(aq) with LiOH(aq) is

            A.        H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l)

            B.        HClO4(aq) + OH-(aq) → ClO4-(aq) + H2O(l)

            C.        HClO4(aq) + LiOH(aq) → LiClO4(aq) + H2O(l)

            D.        H+(aq) + ClO4-(aq) + Li+(aq) + OH-(aq) → LiClO4(aq) + H2O(l)        


7.         The equilibrium constant expression for a sulphurous acid is

            A         Ka = [H+][HSO3-]

            B.        Ka = [H+][HSO3-]


            C.        Ka = [2H+][SO32-]


            D.        Ka = [H+][SO32-]



8.         To distinguish between a strong acid and a strong base, an experimenter could use

            A.        odor

            B.        magnesium

            C.        a conductivity test

            D.        the common ion test


9.         How many acids from the list below are known to be weak acids?

            HCl,      HF,    H2SO3,    H2SO4,     HNO3,          HNO2

            A.        2

            B.        3

            C.        4

            D.        5


10.       There are two beakers on a laboratory desk. One beaker contains 1.0 M HCl and

            the other contains tap water. To distinguish the acid solution from the water, one

            would use

            A.        a piece of copper.

            B.        a piece of magnesium

            C.        phenolphthalein indicator

            D.        a piece or red litmus paper


11.       Caustic soda, NaOH, is found in

            A.        fertilizers

            B.        beverages

            C.        toothpaste

            D.        oven cleaners


12.       Which of the following is the strongest acid?

            A.        Acetic acid

            B.        Oxalic acid

            C.        Benzoic acid

            D.        Carbonic acid


13.       The acid used in the lead-acid storage battery is

            A.        HCl

            B.        HNO3

            C.        H2SO4

            D.        CH3COOH


14.       A definition for a Brønsted-Lowry acid should contain which of the following


            A.        the donation of H+

            B.        the donation of OH-

            C.        the acceptance of H+

            D.        the acceptance of OH-


15.       What species will form when H+ ions are in the presence of H2O molecules?

            A.        HO+

            B.        HO2+

            C.        H3O+

            D.        H2O2


16.       What is the conjugate acid of the base HAsO42-?

            A.        AsO43-

            B.        H2AsO42-

            C.        H2AsO4-

            D.        H3AsO4


17.       What species is the hydronium ion?

            A.        HO+

            B.        HO2+

            C.        H2O2

            D.        H3O+


18.       Which of the following is a characteristic of acidic solutions?

            A.        They accept H+ ions.

            B.        They have a pH more than 7.

            C.        They react with Mg to produce H2 gas.

            D.        They turn limus blue.


19.       Which of the following is a common base found in drain cleaners?

            A.        bleach

            B.        vinegar

            C.        milk of magnesia

            D.        sodium hydroxide


20.       Which of the following is a characteristic of basic solutions?

            A.        They donate H+ ions.

            B.        They have a pH less than 7.

            C.        They feel slippery.

            D.        They turn limus red.


21.       Which of the following is the weakest acid?

            A.        Acetic acid

            B.        Oxalic acid

            C.        Benzoic acid

            D.        Carbonic acid


22.       What is the main difference between a strong acid and a weak acid?

            A.        their degree of ionization

            B.        their reactivity with platinum

            C.        their concentration in solution

            D.        their effect on an indicator


23.       Which of the following best describes an acidic solution?

                        Litmus Colour             Reaction with Zn

            A.        red                              reaction

            B.        red                               no reaction

            C.        blue                             no reaction

            D.        blue                             reaction


24.       Identify the common acid found in the stomach.

            A.        benzoic acid

            B.        sulphuric acid

            C.        perchloric acid

            D.        hydrochloric acid


25.       Which of the following best describes an basic solution?

                        Litmus Colour             pH

            A.        red                               less than 7

            B.        red                               more than 7

            C.        blue                             less than 7

            D.        blue                             more than 7


26.       Which of the following is a general characteristic of Arrhenius acids?

            A.        They produce H+ in solution.

            B.        They accept an H+ from water.

            C.        They turn bromothymol blue a blue colour.

            D.        They react with H3O+ ions to produce H2.


27.       Identify a conjugate pair from the equilibrium provided:                               

            PO43-      +    HCO3-          HPO42-     +    CO32-

            A.        CO32-   and      HPO42-

            B.        PO43-    and      HCO3-

            C.        PO43-   and      HPO42-

            D.        HCO3-  and      HPO42-


28.       Which of the following best describes a weak acid?

            A.        pH = 10

            B.        It may be very soluble, but only partly ionized.

            C.        It must be very soluble and completely ionized.

            D.        It must be of low solubility and completely ionized.


29.       Which of the following is a common property of acid solutions?

            A.        They have a pH > 7.

            B.        They turn red litmus blue.

            C.        They have a slippery feeling.

            D.        They turn pink phenolphthalein colourless.


30.       What is a general characteristic of bases?

            A.        They all donate H+.

            B.        They all accept OH- .

            C.        They will neutralize acids

            D.        They will react with acids to produce H2 gas.