Acids     Quiz #2       Conjugates, Reactions, Amphiprotic, Arrhenius, Bronsted Bases, KB, & Strength              



1.         A test that could be safely used to distinguish a strong base from a weak base is

            A.        taste

            B.        touch

            C.        litmus paper

            D.        electrical conductivity


2.         Identify the two substances that act as Bronsted-Lowry bases in the equation

                                    HS- + SO42- S2- + HSO4-        

A.        HS- and S2-

                    B.        SO4 2-and S2-

            C.        HS- and HSO4-

            D.        SO42- and HSO4-


3.         The conjugate acid of H2C6H5O-7 is

            A.        C6H5O73-

            B.        HC6H5O72-

            C.        H2C6H5O7

            D.        H3C6H5O7    


4.         Which one of the following substances is/are amphiprotic?

            (1) H3PO4            (2) H2PO4-          (3) HPO42-

            A.        2 only

            B.        3 only

            C.        1 and 2

            D.        2 and 3


5.         The net ionic equation for the neutralization of HBr by Ca(OH)2 is

            A.        H+(aq) + OH-(aq)  ® H2O(l)

            B.        Ca2+(aq) + 2Br-(aq) ® CaBr2(s)

            C.        2HBr(aq) + Ca(OH)2(aq) ®  2H2O(l) + CaBr2(s)

            D.        2H+(aq)    + Ca(OH)2(aq) ® 2H2O(l) + Ca2+(aq)      


6.         If reactants are favored in the following equilibrium, the stronger base must be

                                    HCN + HS - H2S + CN -      

            A.        H2S

            B.        HS-

            C.        CN-

            D.        HCN


7.         The hydronium ion, H3O+ is a water molecule that has

            A.        lost a proton

            B.        gained a proton

            C.        gained a neutron

            D.        gained an electron


8.         The complete ionic equation for the neutralization of acetic acid by sodium

            hydroxide is

            A.        H+ + OH- H2O

            B.        CH3COOH + OH- CH3COOH- + H2O

            C.        CH3COOH + NaOH NaCH3COOH + H2O

            D.        CH3COOH + Na+ + OH- Na+ + CH3COO- + H2O


9.         In the following Bronsted – Lowry acid-base equation:

NH4+ (aq) + H2O(l) NH3(aq) + H3O+(aq)

            The stronger base is

            A.        NH4+

            B.        H2O

            C.        NH3

            D.        H3O+     


10.       Consider the following equilibrium system:

            OCl-(aq) + HC7H5O2(aq) HOCl(aq) + C7H5O2-(aq)          Keq= 2.1 x 103       

            At Equilibrium

            A.        products are favored and HOCl is the stronger acid

            B.        reactants are favored and HOCl is the stronger acid

            C.        products are favored and HC7H5O2 is the stronger acid

            D.        reactants are favored and HC7H5O2 is the stronger acid


11.       In the equilibrium system

            H2BO3- (aq) + HCO3-(aq) H2CO2(aq) + HBO32-(aq)


            The two species acting as Bronsted-Lowry acids are

            A.        HCO3- and H2CO3

            B.        H2BO3- and H2CO3

            C.        HCO3- and HBO32-

            D.        H2BO3- and HBO32-     


12.       Consider the following equilibrium HS- + H2C2O4 HC2O4- + H2S

            The stronger acid is

            A.        HS-

            B.        H2C2O4

            C.        HC2O4-

            D.        H2S


13.       Which species is not amphiprotic?

            A.        H2O

            B.        H3BO3

            C.        HPO42-

            D.        HC6H5O72-


14.       Given the equilibrium:   H2BO3-   +    H2PO4-        H3BO3   +    HPO42-

            Which is the strongest acid?

            A.        H2PO4-

            B.        H3BO3

            C.        HPO42-

            D.        H2BO3-


15.       Which equation represents the reaction of a Brønsted-Lowry base with water?

            A.        2Na  +  2H2O  ®    2NaOH  +            H2

            B.        P2H4   +   H2O        P2H5+  +  OH-

            C.        H2PO4-   +   H2O     H3O+        +      HPO42-

            D.        H2C2O4     +     H2O          H3O+    +    HC2O4-


16.       A definition for a Brønsted-Lowry acid should contain which of the following


            A.        the donation of H+

            B.        the donation of OH-

            C.        the acceptance of H+

            D.        the acceptance of OH-


17.       Which of the following would be a typical pH of soda pop?

            A.        1.0

            B.        3.2

            C.        6.8

            D.        7.2


18.       When three 25.0  mL samples of the strong acid H2SO4 were titrated with 0.25 M NaOH the following results were obtained:

            Volume of NaOH(aq)                47.2 mL           39.9 mL           40.1 mL

            What is the concentration of the H2SO4 sample?

            A.        0.20 M

            B.        0.21 M

            C.        0.40 M

            D.        0.42 M


19.       Which of the following is a common base found in drain cleaners?

            A.        baking soda

            B.        vinegar

            C.        milk of magnesia

            D.        sodium hydroxide


20.       Identify the common acid found in the stomach.

            A.        benzoic acid

            B.        sulphuric acid

            C.        perchloric acid

            D.        hydrochloric acid


21.       Which of the following solutions would typically show the greatest electrical


            A.        1.0 M weak acid

            B.        0.8 M weak base

            C.        0.5 M strong acid

            D.        0.1 M strong base


22.       Which of the following are amphiprotic in aqueous solutions?

            I.          H3BO3             II.         H2BO3- III.       H3BO2- IV.       BO33-

            A.        I only

            B.        IV only

            C.        I and II only

            D.        II and III only


23.       Which of the following best describes an acidic solution?

                        Litmus Colour             Reaction with Mg

            A.        red                               reaction

            B.        red                               no reaction

            C.        blue                             no reaction

            D.        blue                             reaction


24.       What is the Ka expression for H3PO4 ?

            A.        Ka   = [H+]3  


            B.        Ka   = [H+]3  



                 C.        Ka   = [H+][H2PO4-]  



            D.        Ka   = [H+][HPO42-]  







25.       What volume of  0.250 M KOH is required to titrate 0.00230 mol of the weak acid

            H2C2O4 ?

            A.        1.15 mL

            B.        4.60 mL

            C.        9.20 mL

            D.        18.4 mL


26.       What is the net ionic equation for the titration of H3PO4(aq) with Sr(OH)2(aq) ?

            A.        H+(aq)     +     OH- (aq)     ®     H2O(l)

            B.        6H+(aq)     +     6OH-(aq)     ®     6H2O(l)

            C.        2H3PO4(aq)  +  3Sr2+(aq)  +  6OH-(aq)   ®   Sr3(PO4)2(s)   +    6H2O(l)

            D.        6H+(aq)  +   2PO43-(aq) + 3Sr2+(aq) +  6OH- (aq)   ® 3Sr2+ + 2PO43-(aq) +  6H2O(l)


27.       Which of the following is a piece of equipment typically used in acid-base


            A.        burette

            B.        test tube

            C.        litmus paper

            D.        graduated cylinder


28.       Water has the greatest tendency to act as an acid with which of the following?

            A.        Cl-

            B.        NO2-

            C.        H2PO4-

            D.        CH3COO-


29.       Which net ionic equation best describes the reaction between NaOH and H2S?

            A.        H+(aq)   +   OH- (aq)    ®   H2O(l)

            B.        H2S(aq)   +   2OH-   ®   2H2O(l)   +   S2-(aq)

            C.        H2S(aq)   +   2NaOH  ®   2H2O(l)   +   Na2S(aq)

            D.        2H+(aq)   +   S2-(aq)   +   2NaOH(aq)  ®   2H2O(l)   +   2Na+(aq)      +    S2-(aq)


30.       Which of the following is a general characteristic of Arrhenius acids?

            A.        They produce H+ in solution.

            B.        They accept an H+ from water.

            C.        They donate a proton.

            D.        They accept a proton.


31.       Which of the following is a general characteristic of Bronstead acids?

            A.        They produce H+ in solution.

            B.        They accept an H+ from water.

            C.        They donate a proton.

            D.        They accept a proton.


32.       Which of the following is a general characteristic of Arrhenius bases?

            A.        They produce OH- in solution.

            B.        They produce H3O+ in water.

            C.        They donate a proton.

            D.        They accept a proton.


33.       Which of the following is a general characteristic of Bronstead base?

            A.        They produce H+ in solution.

            B.        They accept an H+ from water.

            C.        They donate a proton.

            D.        They accept a proton