Kinetics          Quiz #2           Factors that Change The Reaction Rate     Answers



1.         Which of the following reactions is the slowest at room temperature?


            A.        Zn(s) + S(s)     ZnS(s)

            B.        Ba2+(aq) + SO42-(aq)   → BaSO4(s)

            C.        NH3(g) + HCl(g)     NH4Cl(g)

            D.        2 Ag+(aq) + CO32-(aq)  → Ag2CO3(s)


2.         Dust particles suspended in the air inside unheated grain elevators can sometimes react explosively because the dust particles have a:


            A.        High kinetic energy

            B.        High activation energy

            C.        Catalytic effect on the reaction

            D.        Large surface area for the reaction


3.         Consider the following reaction: 2H2O2(aq) → 2 H2O(t)  +  O2(g)

When 1.0 g of KI is added to the H2O2, bubbles of O2 are produced at an increased rate. When the reaction is complete, the mass of KI is 1.0 g. The KI is a


            A.        Product

            B.        Catalyst

            C.        Reactant

            D.        Reaction Intermediate


4.         Consider the following factors:


            I.          Concentration of reactants.

            II.         Temperature of reactants.

           III.       Surface area of reactants.


The factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction between two gases are


            A.        I and II only

            B.        I and III only

            C.        II and III only.

            D.        I, II, and III







5.         Consider the following reactions:

I.          N2(g)  +  O2(g)  → 2NO(g)

           II.         2Mg(s)  +  O2(g)  → 2MgO(s)

            III.       CaCO3(s)  + 2H+(aq)    Ca2+(aq)  + H2O(l) + CO2(g)

            Increasing the surface area will increase the reaction rate in


            A.        II only

            B.        I and III only

            C.        II and III only

            D.        I, II and III


6.         An untreated sugar cube does not burn when held over a lighted match. A sugar cube coated with cigarette ash readily ignites and burns. All of the cigarette ash remains after the reaction. The factor that caused this change in rate is the


            A.        Nature of reactants

            B.        Presence of a catalyst

            C.        Increase in surface area

            D.        Increase in concentration


7.         Which combination of factors will affect the rate of the following reaction?

Zn(s)  +  2HCl (aq)    ZnCl2(aq)  + H2(g)


            A.        Temperature and surfaces only

            B.        Temperature and concentration only

            C.        Concentration and surface area only

            D.        Temperature, concentration, and surface area


8.         The addition of a catalyst to a reaction provides an alternative mechanism with
            A.           Lower activation energy and lower reaction rate
            B.           Lower activation energy and higher reaction rate
            C.           Higher activation energy and lower reaction rate
            D.           Higher activation energy and higher reaction rate



9.         Consider the following reaction:

2MnO4-(aq)  +  5C2O42-(aq)  + 16H+(aq)   ®   2Mn2+(aq)  + 10CO2(g)  + 8H2O(l)

The rate of decomposition of the oxalate ion is increased by


            A.        Adding NaOH

            B.        Removing CO2

            C.        Adding a catalyst

            D.        Decreasing the pressure.



10.       Which of the following factors affect the rates of both homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions

            I.          Nature of reactants

            II.         Presence of a catalyst

            III.       Temperature of system

            IV        Concentration of reactants


A.        I and IV only

            B.        II and III only.

            C.        II, III and IV only

            D.        I, II, III and IV


11.       Which of the following factors affects the rate of heterogeneous reactions only.


            A.        Nature of reactants

            B.        Temperature of system

            C.        Surface area of reactants

            D.        Concentration of reactants



12.       Consider the following reaction: 2S(s)  +  302(g)    2SO3(g)   + heat

The rate of this reaction could be increased by


            A.        Decreasing temperature

            B.        Adding a catalyst

            C.        Increasing the concentration of S(s)

            D.        Increasing the concentration of SO3(g)


13.       6.0 g of Mg reacts with some HCl in two different experiments. The reaction for both was:

            Mg(s)  +  2HCl(aq)   ®   MgCl2(aq)  +  H2(g)


In the first experiment, it took 6.2 minutes for all the Mg to react. In the second experiment, it took 10.8 minutes for all the Mg to react. Which of the following could explain the change in rate in the second experiment?


A.        A catalyst was added

B.        The Mg was powdered

C.        The H2 was decreased

D.        The temperature was decreased


14.       Which of the following reactions is most likely to proceed at the greatest rate?


            A.        Zn(s)    +           S(s)       ®        ZnS(s)


B.        H2(g)     +          I2(s)       ®        2HI(g)


C.        Cu(s)     +          Cl2(g)    ®        CuCl2(s)


D.        2KOH(aq)     +     H2SO4(aq)   ®    2H2O(l)   +   K2SO4(aq)



15.       Consider the following reaction:


Mg(s)   +   2HCl(aq)   ®            MgCl2(aq)          +    H2(g)


Which of the following would increase the reaction rate?


A.        an increase in pressure

B.        an increase in temperature

C.        an increase in the concentration of H2

D.        an increase in the concentration of MgCl2



16.       When a candle C20H42 burns, the following reaction occurs:


            2C20H42(s)   +  61O2(g)   ®   40CO2   +   42H2O(g)


If the rate of production of CO2 is 0.49 g/min, what is the rate of oxygen consumption?


A.        0.24 g/min

B.        0.27 g/min

C.        0.36 g/min

D.        0.54 g/min


17.       Which of the following properties could best be monitored in order to determine the reaction rate of the above burning candle?


A.        mass of C20H42

B.        pressure of H2O

C.        surface area of C20H42

D.        concentration of C20H42


18.       Which of the following factors only affects the rate of heterogeneous reactions?


A.        nature of reactants

B.        presence of a catalyst

C.        temperature of reactants

D.        surface area of reactants


19.       Consider the following experimental results:


                                                Experiment 1               Experiment 2  


Reactants                     Ca(s)   +  HCl(aq)           Zn(s)    +   HCl(aq)


Temperature                20 0C                           40 0C


Concentration              1.0 M                           2.0 M


Rates                           Fast                             Slow


Which factor would account for the faster reaction rate in Experiment 1?


A.        temperature

B.        surface area

C.        nature of reactants

D.        solution concentration


20.       Consider the following reaction:


2NO(g)   +  O2(g)    ®   2NO2(g)


How could the rate of this reaction be increased?


A.        Reduce the pressure

B.        Increase the volume

C.        Remove some NO2(g)

D.        Increase the temperature



21.       Which factor explains why coal dust is explosive?


A.        temperature

B.        surface area

C.        concentration

D.        addition of catalyst



22.       Which factor explains why potassium generally reacts faster than magnesium?


A.        surface area

B.        temperature

C.        concentration

D.        nature of reactants


23.       Which factor explains why gasoline vapour is explosive?


A.        temperature

B.        surface area

C.        concentration

D.        nature of the reactant