Solubility         Quiz #2            Ionic Concentrations Calculations & Ionic Equations


1.         A 200.0 mL solution contains 0.050 mol of Ba(NO3)2. The [NO3-] is


            A.        0.050 M

            B.         0.10 M

            C.        0.25 M

            D.        0.50 M


2.         The Ksp expression for a saturated solution of Ca3(PO4)2 is


            A.        Ksp = [Ca2+][PO43-]

            B.         Ksp = [Ca2+]3[PO43-]2

            C.        Ksp = [3Ca2+][2PO43-]

            D.        Ksp = [3Ca2+]3[2PO43-]2


3.         In 1.5 M (NH4)2SO4 , the ion concentrations are


            A.        [NH4+] = 1.5 M and [SO42-] = 1.5 M

            B.         [NH4+] = 1.5 M and [SO42-] = 3.0 M

            C.        [NH4+] = 3.0 M and [SO42-] = 1.5 M

            D.        [NH4+] = 3.0 M and [SO42-] = 3.0 M


4.         The Ksp expression for Ca3(PO4)2 is   


            A.        Ksp = [Ca2+]3[PO43-]2              



B.         Ksp = [2Ca2+][3PO43-]



            C.        Ksp = [Ca2+]3[PO43-]2


            D.        Ksp = [2Ca2+][3PO43-]


5.         The solubility product expression for a saturated solution of Fe2(SO4)3 is


            A.        Ksp = [Fe3+]2[SO42-]3


            B.         Ksp = [2Fe3+][3SO42-]


C.        Ksp = [Fe3+]2[SO42-]3



D.        Ksp = [2Fe3+][3SO42-]


6.         Molecular solutions do not conduct electricity because they contain


            A.        molecules only

            B.         cations and anions

            C.        molecules and anions

            D.        molecules and cations


7.         If equal volumes of 0.2 M KBr and 0.2M FeSO4 are mixed, then


            A.        no precipitate will be observed

            B.         a precipitate of FeBr2 will be observed

            C.        a precipitate of K2SO4 will be observed

            D.        a precipitate of both K2SO4 and FeBr2 will be observed


8.         Which of the following occurs when equal volumes of 0.20 M MgS and 0.20 M            ZnSO4 are mixed?


            A.        A precipitate does not form

            B.         A precipitate of ZnS forms

            C.        A precipitate of MgSO4 forms

            D.        Precipitates of MgSO4 and ZnS form


9.         In an experiment, 0.500 mol of Fe(NO3)3 is dissolved in water to produce a 2.00 L solution. The [NO3-] in this solution is


            A.        0.250 M

            B.         0.500 M

            C.        0.750 M

            D.        1.50 M


10.       The complete ionic equation for the reaction between MgCl2(aq) and AgNO3(Aq) is


            A.        Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) AgCl(s)

            B.         2AgNO3(aq) + MgCl2(aq) → 2AgCl(s) + Mg(NO3)2(aq)

            C.        2Ag+(aq) + Mg2+(aq) + 2NO3- (aq) + 2Cl-(aq) → MgCl2(s) + 2Ag+(aq) + 2NO3- (aq)

            D.        2Ag+(aq) + 2NO3- (aq) + Mg2+(aq)  + 2Cl-(aq) → 2AgCl(s) + Mg2+(aq)+ 2NO3- (aq)


11.       Which one of the following would form an ionic solution when dissolved in water?


            A.        I2

            B.         CH3OH

            C.        Ca(NO3)2

            D.        Cl2H22O11




12.       If the solubility of Pb (OH) 2 is 0.155g/L, then the concentration of each ion in a saturated solution of a Pb(OH) 2 is


            A.        [Pb2+] = 0.155 g/L and [OH-] = 0.155 g/L

            B.         [Pb2+] = 0.052 g/L and [OH-] = 0.103 g/L

            C.        [Pb2+] = 6.43 x 10-4 mol/L and [OH-] = 1.29 x 10-3 mol/L

            D.        [Pb2+] = 6.43 x 10-4 mol/L and [OH-] = 6.43 x 10-4 mol/L


13.       The Ksp expression for calcium hydroxide is


            A.        Ksp = [Ca2+][OH-]2


B.         Ksp =         1                                     



            C.        Ksp = [Ca2+][2OH-]2  


            D.        Ksp =           1                          



14.       A precipitation reaction occurs when equal volumes of 0.2 M Pb(NO3)2 and 0.2 M

            KI are mixed. The net ionic equation for this reaction is


            A.        Pb2+(aq) + 2I-(aq) → PbI2(s)             

            B.         PbI2(s) → Pb2+(aq) + 2I-(aq)

            C.        K+(aq) + NO3-(aq) → KNO3(s)

            D.        KNO3(s) → K+(aq) + NO3-(aq)


15.       When dissolved in water, which of the following procedures is an ionic solution?


            A.        O2

            B.         CH4

            C.        CaCl2

            D.        C12H22O11 


16.       In a 200 mL sample of 0.030 M Na3PO4, the [Na+] is


            A.        0.006 M

            B.         0.010 M

            C.        0.018 M

            D.        0.090 M


17.       Which condition is essential to prepare a saturated solution of an ionic salt?

            A.        an excess of solute

            B.         any amount of solute

            C.        a temperature of 250C

            D.        a fixed mass of solvent


18.       Which compound will have the greatest solubility?

            A.        CoS

            B.         CuS

            C.        FeS

            D.        MgS


19.       What will be the [Cl-] when equal volumes of 0.10 M MgCl2 and 0.30 M AlCl3  are combined?

            A.        0.35 M

            B.         0.55 M

            C.        0.30 M

            D.        1.1 M


20.       Which equation represents the correct reaction between Na2CO3 and Ba(NO3)2?

            A.        Na+(aq)  +  NO3-(aq)     NaNO3(s)

            B          Ba2+(aq)  +  CO32-(aq)        BaCO3(s)     

            C.        Na2CO3(s)       2Na+(aq)   +   CO32-(aq) 

            D.        Ba(NO3)2(aq)   +    Na2CO3(aq)      → BaCO3(aq)    +  2NaNO3(s)


21.       What is the Ksp expression for Zn(OH)2?

            A.        Ksp      =          [Zn2+][OH-]2

            B.         Ksp      =          [Zn2+]2OH-]2

            C.        Ksp      =          [Zn2+][OH-]

            D.        Ksp      =          [Zn2+]+[ OH-]2


22.       What is the Ksp expression for the precipitate formed when solutions of Fe(NO3) and Sr(OH)2 are mixed?

            A.        Ksp      =          [Fe3+][NO3-]3

            B.         Ksp      =          [Sr2+]OH-]2

            C.        Ksp      =          [Fe3+][3OH-]3

            D.        Ksp      =          [Fe3+][OH-]3


23.       Which value best represents the total ion concentration when 0.10 moles of K3PO4 is present in 0.5 L of             solution?

            A.        0.1 M

            B.         0.2 M

            C.        0.4 M

            D.        0.8 M


24.       What will happen when equal volumes of 0.20 M (NH4)2S(aq) and 0.20 M Sr(OH)2(aq) are mixed?

            A.        SrS precipitates.

            B.         NH4OH precipitates.

            C.        Both NH4OH and SrS precipitate.

            D.        No precipitate forms.


25.       Which of the following is the Ksp expression for barium phosphate?

            A.        Ksp      =          [Ba2+]2[PO43-]3

            B.         Ksp      =          [Ba2+]3 + [PO43-]2

            C.        Ksp      =          [3Ba2+]3  +  [2 PO43-]2

            D.        Ksp      =          [Ba2+]3[ PO43-]2


26.       Which of the following precipitates may form when equal volumes of AgNO3, SrCl2, and Na2CO3 are mixed together?

            A.        SrCO3 and AgCl

            B.         Ag2CO3 and AgCl

            C.        SrCO3 and Ag2CO3

            D.        SrCO3, Ag2CO3, and AgCl


27.       What is the [Cl-] when 1.50 g of MgCl2 is dissolved in enough water to make 1000. mL of solution?

            A.        0.0157 M

            B.         0.0315 M

            C.        0.256 M

            D.        0.390 M


28.       An equal number of moles of Na2S is added to four different 100.mL samples.

            Sample 1                      Sample 2                      Sample 3                      Sample 4

            0.50 M Ba2+(aq)           0.50 M Ca2+(aq)            0.50 M Mg2+(aq)              0.50 M Fe 2+(aq)

            A precipitate forms in only one of the samples.  Identify the cation which is present in the precipitate.

            A.        Ba2+

            B.        Ca2+

            C.        Mg2+

            D.        Fe2+


29.       What is the concentration of the ions in 0.50 M Al2(SO4)3

                        [Al3+]               [SO42-]

            A.        0.33 M             0.50 M

            B.         1.0 M               1.5 M

            C.        1.5 M               1.5 M

            D.        3.0 M               4.5 M


30.       Which of the following will not form a precipitate when mixed with an equal volume of 0.2 M AgNO3 ?

            A.        0.2 M NaBr

            B.         0.2 M Na2SO4

            C.        0.2 M NaNO3

            D.        0.2 M NaCl