Solubility         Quiz #3            Solubility to Ksp


1.         In a saturated solution of manganese (II) hydroxide, Mn(OH)2, and [Mn2+] equals

            4.5 x 10-5 M. therefore, the Ksp of Mn(OH)2 is


            A.        9.1 x 10-14

            B.         3.6 x 10-13

            C.        2.0 x 10-9

            D.        4.1 x 10-9


2.         The solubility of manganese (II) sulphide is 1.7 x 10-7 M at 25oC. The solubility product constant is


            A.        2.9 x 10-14

            B.         1.7 x 10-7

            C.        3.4 x 10-7

            D.        4.1 x 10-4     


3.         The compound Ag2S has a solubility of 1.3 x 10-4 moles per litre at 25oC. The Ksp for this compound is


            A.        2.2 x 10-12

            B.         8.8 x 10-12

            C.        1.7 x 10-8

            D.        3.4 x 10-8    


4.         The solubility of barium oxalate, BaC2O4, is 4.8 x 10-4 M. The value of Ksp is


            A.        2.3 x 10-7

            B.         4.8 x 10-4

            C.        2.4 x 10-4

            D.        2.2 x 10-2          


5.         The solubility of MnS is 4.8 x 10-7 M, at 25oC. The Ksp value is


            A.        2.3 x 10-13

            B.         4.8 x 10-7

            C.        9.6 x 10-7

            D.        6.9 x 10-4     


6.         At 25oC, the solubility of an unknown compound is 7.1 x 10-5 M. the compound is


            A.        CuI

            B.         AgI

            C.        CaCO3

            D.        CaSO4       


7.         The solubility of barium fluoride is 3.6 x 10-3 M. the solubility product constant is


            A.        4.7 x 10-8

            B.         1.9 x 10-7

            C.        1.3 x 10-5

            D.        2.6 x 10-5 


8.         At a certain temperature, the solubility of BaF2 is 7.4 x 10-3 moles per litre. The Ksp of BaF2 is


            A.        1.6 x 10-6

            B.         5.5 x 10-5

            C.        1.1 x 10-4

            D.        7.4 x 10-3


9.         What is the Ksp for Zn(OH)2 if it has a solubility of  1.3  x  10-7 mol/L ?

            A.        2.2  x  10-21

            B.         8.8  x  10-21

            C.        1.7  x  10-14

            D.        3.6  x  10-4


10.       The solubility of Mg(OH)2 is found to be 1.2  x  10-4 M . 

            What is its Ksp ?

            A.        6.9  x  10-12

            B.         1.7  x  10-12

            C.        1.4  x  10-8

            D.        1.2  x  10-4


11.       Which one of the following equilibrium systems is described by Ksp?

            A.        MgCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)

B.        MgCO3(s) Mg 2+(aq) + CO32- (aq)

            C.        Ca 2+(aq) + CO32- (aq) CaCO3(s)

            D.        Ca(OH)2(aq) + H2CO3(aq) CaCO3(s) + 2H2O(l)


12.       When solid is added to an unsaturated solution, the rate of dissolving is

            A.        equal to zero

            B.         equal to the rate of crystallization

            C.        less than the rate of crystallization

            D.        greater than the rate of crystallization


13.       A soluble calcium salt is

            A.        CaSO3

            B.         CaCO3

            C.        CaS

            D.        Ca3(PO4)2


14.       Which of the following units is commonly used to describe solubility?

            A.        mL/s

            B.         g/min

            C.        g/L

            D.        M/L


15.       Which of the solutes below is both ionic and most soluble?

            A.        MgSO4

            B.         CH3OH

            C.        C12H22O11

            D.        Fe(OH)3


16.       Which of the solutes below can form an ionic solution with the highest conductivity?

            A.        PbS

            B.         CHCl3

            C.        BaS

            D.        CHCOOH


17.       What is the concentration of the ions in 2.0 L of 1.5 M Ga2(CO3)3 ?

                        [Ga3+]              [CO32-]

            A.        0.33 M             0.50 M

            B.         0.66 M             1.0 M

            C.        1.5 M               3.0 M

            D.        3.0 M               4.5 M


18.       What is the concentration of the ions 1.0 moles Al2(CO3)3 in 0.50 L of solution?

                        [Al3+]               [CO32-]

            A.        12. M               18. M

            B.         2.0 M               3.0 M

            C.        1.5 M               1.5 M

            D.        4.0 M               6.0 M

19.       When dissolved in water, which of the following procedures is an ionic solution?


            A.        O2

            B.         CH4

            C.        CaCl2

            D.        C12H22O11 



20.       In a 300 mL sample of 0.030 M K3PO4, the [K+] is


            A.        0.006 M

            B.         0.010 M

            C.        0.018 M

            D.        0.090 M